Wednesday, 22 April 2020

disappointments and triumphs

April is the cruellest month. It's been a lot colder this week, and I ended up going up to the allotment before I took my seedlings in and these became this:

It would be the Black Krims, of course. All other tomatoes not altogether happy but also not dead as yet. In rather brighter news I found my black gold, and then Tim found me some more, and then all the tulips started going off like fireworks:

Up at the allotment the whole I-have-too-many-bulbs thing had worked out. I cut them and brought them down to the house as cut flowers - my own cut flowers. But there's a massive Alkanet problem in the back bed and the front bed and everywhere else really. The bees keep visiting the flowers so I don't feel up to weeding them out. They are a lovely shade of blue.

Finally, I made an art for the back garden, inspired by Takis whose show I saw at the Tate last year. A retrospective. He will make no more art and I cannot go to any galleries. When there's nothing you can go and see, make your own art. L-R Stop/Go in construction and situ and below, Small blue light. They don't light up, for the sake of robustness in a garden context.

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