Sunday, 14 July 2019

Spriggy gets his summer trim

With the Housemartins on break between first and second broods, and the Sparrows fledged, now is the time to trim back my topiary chameleon. I've been trimming it since 2013 at least - here's a picture from the very early days:
undeveloped head

Note the almost featureless head. That's a great deal dramatic now. But as usual when I'm up on the stepladder trimming away (I use basic shears, like our primitive ancestors did, because it's ONLY PRIVET) I got to hear everyone's theory as to what the animal actually is. "Everyone says its a squirrel" (6 year old girl). "Is it a dragon?" (elderly couple). "That's a lizard, right, awesome!" (hipster boys). Here he is in 2015. That was the year I was proudly trimming the eyeballs and my neighbours came out and said, "We thought those were ears." Oh well.

Spriggy Stardust 2015

Fast forward to 2019,  and Spriggy's got (if anything) a bit overdeveloped. His legs are longer, his head is bigger and his back is higher. It's easy to lose him in the background now. I'm also thinking that he might need an eyeball lift.

After my hard work, I made a cocktail using some the front garden flowers I'd been smelling all day; curry bush, lavender and rosemary.

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