Wednesday 11 December 2019

sinister surveillance garden

One of the joys of Pokémon Go is that sometimes it tells you, quite firmly, that there is a through route, a shortcut, a cut-through of which you were previously completely unaware. These little discursions sometimes are of the short cut long delay type, but it's usually because you find a thing. For example:

didcot garden

This garden has a definite aesthetic, that of the schoolyard dare. Dare you to go over the gate, dare you to touch the tank, dare you to go into the shed. The message daubed on water tank 1 is a little hard to read, let me help you with that:

didcot garden

The smashed television really adds a nice Max Headroomish touch. But why do they need so many water tanks? What is that abbreviated glimpse of machinery poking out at the back? What is in those sinister sheds? Do the bins have a purpose? Is it dark?

didcot garden

The whole thing looks laughably, almost tauntingly easy to break into. It's literally on the school route, too, I was walking among gaggles of children creched with the late shift parents, their sidelong glances through the gate suggesting that there is local mythology about this place. Ghosts, serial killers, adults in rubber masks waiting to be found out by feisty teens. Old Roberts, it was you all along!

didcot garden

I was very impressed by how the owners had managed to capture this perfect modern horror look for their garden. You can't see the hatch leading down into the terrifying basement space this place strongly implies must be here, but then you wouldn't be able to: it would be heavily disguised.

I didn't dare trespass, and not just because there were lots of people around. Can you imagine this place after dark? Brrrr.

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