With three hours of light to go on Saturday, I stepped out into the garden. Things to do included:
- Plant all of the remaining bulbs
- Sweep up the willow leaves
- Water the shed plants
- Clear the greenhouse
- Clear out the recycling boxes to go up to the allotment
- Prune the apple tree
- Prune the vine
- Water the Rhody and Camellias
- Prune the buddleia
- Cut back the Passion vine
Just before dusk on Sunday* I cam back in, feeling a bit cold and sore. Things I had done included:
- Plant some of the remaining bulbs
- Plant up the winter troughs (snowdrops and Cornus winter fire)
- Watered the shed plants, with extra for the Tree Fern
- Watered some of the plants in the greenhouse
- Moved the recycling boxes to the side of the garden out of the way and planted a bunch of prunings in them to make new plants
- Pruned the apple tree and brought in the prunings to see if they'll leaf up in the warm of the kitchen
- Pruned the vine, mostly (quite the struggle where it had got intimate with a neighbour's shed)
- Watered the Rhody and Camellias (Camellia 2 is going to flower this year, it is smothered in buds!)
- Pruned the Buddleia
- Given the Passion vine a hard look and then left it
- Trimmed back some of the side-fence plants, including the winter Jasmine and the purple-berried Lonerica
- Shifted all the pots off the big bed or to non-tulip containing spaces
- Sectioned out some of the bindweed
There may have been other things. Once you hit the groove, it can be hard to find a stop point. Then we went back out again to say a small goodbye to a little cat.
The compost had come on well (although the bindweed had invaded that too) so I was able to make up a good rich mix of seeds and compost to stir her ashes into.
Old cat joined us. It's been a few years now since he walked the garden but it was his territory, as it was hers. It feels good to have them out there, as the mornings get incrementally brighter.
*I wasn't working flat-out all weekend, I was only out a couple of hours in the afternoon each day.
![time for a quick drink](https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3884/14145954608_c483dc3e7d.jpg)
Old cat joined us. It's been a few years now since he walked the garden but it was his territory, as it was hers. It feels good to have them out there, as the mornings get incrementally brighter.
*I wasn't working flat-out all weekend, I was only out a couple of hours in the afternoon each day.
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