Wednesday, 12 January 2022

feeling my way forward into 2022

The very strange year of 2021 has now given way to the startlingly mild beginnings of 2022. There is, I discover, emerging exhausted from pandemic crisis and health crisis, a bit of a crisis going on in the garden. Flowers and plants I bought from shows and shops still languishing in their pots. Pointing fallen from walls and mortar popped from paving. I tend to favour a slightly post-apocalypic look, but these last two years, the apocalypse has staged something of a take-over.

As always, the apocalypse has smudged my motivation. It always comes with the temptation to lay down, to let it wash over. But just in the darkest week of the year, gardening catalogues start to land on the doormat. The garden is muck and murk, true. But where there's dirt, there's seeds.

Easy seeds, like Nicotiana. Curiosities like Sisyrinchium. Interesting new bedding I've never tried before, like Laurentia. Blousy colour-pops like Begonia and Petunia. Garish scramblers like coleus and ipomoea

There's no space for anything. I've put interesting houseplants over my propagator shelf. Which are of course bringing their own catalogue-fall onto the doormat. Ooh Impatiens Parasitica. Begonia Black Fang. No. time to get everything into propogation mode, already.

Begonia Spinning Gem, though.

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