Wednesday, 18 September 2019

a new cat in the garden

If this looks like quite a small cat, that's because he is. Mulberry is barely six months old, and this is his first outside exploration. That huge tail isn't because he's spooked (he's loving it) he just has a huge fluffy tail. Which he promptly filled with creeping buttercup burrs, because damn I've not weeded very much this year.

You can just see an overladen branch hanging down from my dwarf apple tree in the big purple pot. It's done well this year, overproducing but certainly producing some excellent fruit. The thing in a pot next to it is an aloe scavenged from a friend's garden. It'll have to come under cover for the winter.

Not so sure about Mulberry. He seems to relish getting wet, rubbish weather and muck and dust. He's been coming in with everything in his tail. For the moment he's on supervised outside visits only, but soon this will be his territory, as well as Scribble's. Scribble's opinion on this? He quite like Mulberry, possibly because he's a bit of a mini-me and possibly because he's almost still a kitten himself - barely three.

small black cat

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