Wednesday, 19 June 2019

the best of the school competition wheelbarrows

Just a little moment with the best of the wheelbarrows from the School Wheelbarrow Competition at Gardener's World live. I don't think this won (my Google fu has failed me on finding the winner), it's more of a personal winner. I admire the way they stretched and extended both the theme (Around the World in 30 Wheelbarrows) and the wheelbarrow itself (nice use of marine ply and acrylic food bowls, kids). Touches of that massive gardening movie, The Martian. Plus some nice plants, but they don't get in the way of the overall garden narrative. Which is as it should be:

Love, love love the little rustic space shuttle planter. Every garden needs one of those. But this is definitely a concept that spilled out of its wheelbarrow, grew wings and flew. To space.

Footnotes: though I think they used painted clay here, you can buy simulated Martian regolith from The Martian Garden. For educational use, apparently. Final word to the first Martian:

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