Saturday, 22 December 2018

taking the jetty upriver for some TLC

Now there's something you don't see every day.

taking the jetty for repairs

The jetty (ut's come up from Folly Bridge) has been chained off and inaccessible this year; geese have colonised it and now a garden is growing in the rotting wood soaked with droppings.
taking the jetty for repairs

A couple of Salters on the jetty, managing the tow, one put a foot through a rotten board. They were in good spirits, amused by the absurdity. We had a few words after they spotted me with my camera. There may have been some mugging for the camera.

jetty japes

It's going for repairs. There are big plans for it next year. Oh, I hope so. There used to be a jetty full of tiny row boats at Folly Bridge you could mess around with; and nowadays, it's a short push downstream to the tiny wharf by the iron bridge, and that'sthe back way up to the Westgate.

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