Wednesday, 31 October 2018

october not in the garden

Happy Halloween. My shed is full of tender plants, scrambled in before the frosts this week, some of which have been hard. Autumn is on us:

Nuts from the Farmer's Market; cherry leaves in the weird new art garden by the Westgate; a Zinnia in a neighbour's allotment; apple chutney made from a friend's apples.

Ink caps on the tow path; the last of the Morning Glories; Inktober; wheat at an archaeobotany stand at the Science and Ideas festival.

Inktober continues; a cat in the fuchsias; Diwali wedding lights on Iffley Road; Virginia Creeper on the turn (but still surprisingly green for the end of October).

Garden-related selection from Instagram where I am @mrsjeremyday

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