Sunday, 24 June 2018

dancing on the natural history museum ceiling

I suppose that theoretically a person could lie down on the floor in the Hintze Hall of the Natural History Museum and just stare through the pale bones of the massive blue whale at its amazing botanical painted roof for as long as you wanted, surrounded by tiny children and anxious museum attendants, but

Unless of course, you've been given a rug and told to find a place:

dinosnores settle in

So here we are at Dinosnores for grownups, somewhere in between a lecture on parasitic wasps, the insect tasting and prosecco.

dinosnores settle in

and all I can do is look at ceiling!

dinosnores settle in dinosnores settle in
dinosnores settle in dinosnores settle in

Famously, the pictures are all accurate botanical illustrations; the animals are real animals, the plants real plants, plants that are of use to humans, rendered in the respectfully utilitarian style of high Victorian instruction; here are the plants, and this is why they matter, and here is a pretty border around the edge, because they deserve it:

dinosnores settle in

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