Friday, 7 November 2014

they won summer: garden peach tomatoes

The last of the garden peaches is waiting to be eaten downstairs. A fuzzy, yellow, species tomato from Central America, I picked up for a laugh in a handfull of packs of crazy tomato seeds. It germinated well, grew strongly and it can take a lackadaisical attitude toward food and water. The plants are sturdy, the leaves shrug off loopers and the tomato fuzz over the skin of the fruit keeps the nibbling slugs and snails at bay. Those are all good things, but they are nothing compared to the best thing.

The best thing is the flavour, sweet and rich. The best thing is the texture, melting and soft. Cut raw slices are extremely good, like a proper posh canape - but gently cooked and served with something savoury (it really doesn't matter what) it becomes the sort of flavour you exclaim over.

I can't think why it's not grown commercially. Maybe that fuzz doesn't store well.


  1. oh punk gardener! It is starting to come up to the time of year when I am thinking about tomatoes. I'm not up for starting from seed, so am thinking of things like Sutton's bonkers duo goth supreme tomatoes. Any suggestions or recommendations?

  2. You should definitely try them! They're a variety I've never seen or tried before, which is one of the best reasons to try anything. Grafted toms can suffer from one plant predominating, so check your plant guarantees. You can pick up tomato seedlings from The Garden flower shop in the covered market in Oxford, Sylvesters, and the garden centres - it's usually just the basics (Shirley, Moneymaker) but they are the basics because they are super-reliable, and grow well. Last but not least - I'm happy to pass you some of my seedlings. But don't let that stop you trying the bonkers goth duo! I want to see how that turns out.
